We are very excited to announce that our token, $DEPO, will be listed on PancakeSwap! (30th November 2021)
In this article, we will show you how to buy $DEPO on PancakeSwap.
Listing Details
- Ticker: DEPO
- Date: 17:00 UTC, 30th November 2021.
- Listing Price: $0.3
- Liquidity Pair: BUSD/DEPO
- Total Supply: 21,000,000 $DEPO
- Official Contract Address: 0x7d99eda556388Ad7743A1B658b9C4FC67D7A9d74
How to buy $DEPO on PancakeSwap
Step 1: Add and select BSC network to your MetaMask wallet.
Refer to this tutorial if your MetaMask is not connected to Binance Smart Chain yet.
Step 2: Access the PancakeSwap website
Go to the PancakeSwap website through the link provided below:
👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/swap
Step 3: Connect your MetaMask wallet
Click on “Connect” at the top-right-end corner. Select “MetaMask” and a pop-up will show. Select the Network you want to choose and click on “Next” and then “Connect”.
Step 4: $DEPO Token selection
After connecting your wallet to PancakeSwap, click on “Select a Token” and paste the $DEPO official contract address.
Import DEPO token to swap.
Pay attention — Make sure you are using the right $DEPO Smart Contract address by checking the address below:
Step 5: Transfer Binance Coin ($BNB) to your MetaMask wallet.
You will need BNB in order to buy (swap) $DEPO tokens from the available BNB in your wallet. Enter the amount of BNB to swap.
Step 6: Swap confirmation
Click on “Swap” and a pop-up window will show on the top-right-end corner on MetaMask, confirming the Gas you are going to use. Confirm the default values or increase them if you want the transaction to be faster.
After the transaction is submitted, wait for confirmation.
Congratulations! You have just bought $DEPO through PancakeSwap.
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Contract Address: 0x7d99eda556388Ad7743A1B658b9C4FC67D7A9d74