Do you want to swap stable coins but you are afraid of paying high slippage? Don’t worry, DePocket is here to bring you good news. Swapping stable coins is just an easy job because DePocket has just had Ellipsis, a stable coin trading platform developed on Binance Smart Chain.
In recent days, major stable coins, like UST or USDD, are constantly being debugged leading to the spiking of swapping needs between different stable coins for capital safety. That makes Ellipsis’ user base also increase, including DePocket fans.
DePocket update
With the constant efforts of the development team, DePocket now supports a wide variety of popular blockchains as well as integrated dApps in the respective ecosystems.
Our goal is to create a service center where users can perform all operations such as trading, monitoring balance, staking, farming, etc.. across different platforms without having to log in to certain websites. Our plans are being realized based on the evidence that different dApps and blockchains are constantly being included in DePocket.
Our team always grasps the market need to choose strategic partners to bring profit to both sides as well as improve user experience.
What is Ellipsis?
Ellipsis Finance, an approved fork of Curve Finance, was formally launched in March 2021. As a result, users who are familiar with Curve Finance will take less time to understand Ellipsis Finance’s features. veCRV holders will get 25% of the airdropped token supply in the future as a consequence of this arrangement, subject to a set of criteria.
Ellipsis is an AMM that has the advantage in swapping stable coins with the lowEllipsis is an AMM that has advantage in swapping stable coins with the lowest slippage. The platform will require liquidity to accomplish this. They were expressing what they had heard. If users deposit stable coins, they will become a liquidity providers and get LP tokens which reflect partial ownership of stable coins within the system.
Ellipsis (EPS) is the native token that delivers value to both LPs and token holders. The EPS holders will be charged by the Ellipsis protocol because EPS is also called Revenue Earning token. EPS stakers, Liquidity Providers Prize Pool, and Stake Pool fees are also distributed evenly.
This integration will solve two main problems: user attraction and adding the missing piece — stable coins. DePocket will step by step become more and more convenient as promised.
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